Being One Blog

Empowering all animals - two legged, four legged, clawed, finned, and furred - with collaborative resources and informed blog posts

๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ’• Preparing Your Family for Success with Your Pet Sitter! ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿˆ

Hello, devoted pet parents! Embarking on a trip and leaving your furry family behind can stir a mix of emotions. At The Empowered Companion, we strive to ensure a seamless, comforting transition for your beloved family. From soothing music and heart-to-heart chats to consistent meal times and familiar toys, these tips help your pets enjoy their own little holiday at home. Rest easy knowing theyโ€™re in caring hands!

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Our Animal (and Business) Code of Ethics

Kathleen Prasad created the Let Animals Leadยฎ method of Animal Reiki and co-founded the Shelter Animal Reiki Association (SARA). She created the Animal Reiki Practitioner Code of Ethics as a guidepost for all Animal Reiki practitioners., regardless of lineage. Additionally, her book, Healing Virtues, provides an in depth explanation and examination of these core principles. The Empowered Companion has adapted the Animal Reiki Practitioner Code of Ethics to all of the work we do with animals and humans, including: Reiki, Pet Sitting and Cat Training.

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Tom Tomโ€™s Story, part 1

My journey to working full-time with animals and recognizing my desire to exist with mutual respect and compassion with all animals began in 2019 with a foster cat named Tom - TomTom for long. I can look back at my life and the animals I worked and lived with, and how they touched me, but Tom leaned into my heart and lit the fire of passion for this work.

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