The Empowered Companion Blog
Empowering all animals - two legged, four legged, clawed, finned, and furred - with collaborative resources and informed blog posts
Understanding and Honoring Sentience in Our Pets
What does it mean to be a conscious, sentient being, and how this understanding can transform our relationship with the non-human members of our family.
The Empowered Companion: Engaging the Whole Family in Animal Reiki Meditation
Incorporating Animal Reiki Meditation into family life offers an inclusive and transformative way to connect with our pets and foster a harmonious environment at home.
A Lesson from the Animals: Start Each Day with Love and Gratitude
Jerry’s morning affection is not just a routine. It's a ritual. A reminder. A lesson in how vital it is to begin our day rooted in love, in mindful presence.
Our Animal (and Business) Code of Ethics
Kathleen Prasad created the Let Animals Lead® method of Animal Reiki and co-founded the Shelter Animal Reiki Association (SARA). She created the Animal Reiki Practitioner Code of Ethics as a guidepost for all Animal Reiki practitioners., regardless of lineage. Additionally, her book, Healing Virtues, provides an in depth explanation and examination of these core principles. The Empowered Companion has adapted the Animal Reiki Practitioner Code of Ethics to all of the work we do with animals and humans, including: Reiki, Pet Sitting and Cat Training.
Being Well Together, Being One
Clients trust The Empowered Companion to help provide an equal and sustainable connection to the animals in their lives. But who are these folks, and why does our work yield such positive outcomes?