A Lesson from the Animals: Start Each Day with Love and Gratitude

Start Your Day with an Act of Love and Gratitude: A Lesson from Jerry, the Pumpkin Spice Kitty

Greetings dear readers! From the warm heart of The Empowered Companion, I bring you a heartwarming story this fall. It's a tale about Jerry, my feline friend, who insists on cozy snuggles on crisp fall mornings. He craves his morning cuddles the way others might crave a pumpkin spice latte.

Over time, Jerry and his morning snuggles have taught me a profound lesson that brings to mind something renowned spiritual teacher, Ram Dass, once said:


"Those that find the way in the morning can gladly die in the evening."


Previously, the sound of multiple alarms was a testament to my difficulty in rising early. Mornings were not my strong suit. As another form of wake-up call, Jerry would headbutt and nudge me, trying to convey a message that took me a while to understand. His actions were not mere nudges for food or play, but a deeper call for connection, for starting the day with an act of love.

Recognizing his need, I made a change. Instead of the cacophony of alarms, I set one, 20 minutes earlier than my wake-up time. Those precious moments became our dedicated snuggle time. Like clockwork, Jerry would wait for the first sound of the alarm and then curl up next to me, purring in contentment. Sometimes, lost in the warmth of his embrace, we'd drift off again.

Jerry’s morning affection is not just a routine. It's a ritual. A reminder. A lesson in how vital it is to begin our day rooted in love, in mindful presence. Jerry is noticeably more withdrawn and irritable if a day passes without his morning love, and so am I!

This act of bonding, this moment of pure love with Jerry, inspired another beautiful morning habit. Every day, as the dawn breaks, I take a moment to acknowledge three things I'm deeply grateful for. This act of recognizing and receiving gratitude reshapes my perspective. Starting my day enveloped in grace makes it so much harder to slip into spaces of anger, fear, worry, or judgment. The world appears different, more hopeful, and brimming with possibilities when you greet it with gratitude.

In embracing the wisdom of Jerry's morning nudges, I realized that every day offers us an opportunity. An opportunity to choose love over apathy, gratitude over worry, and hope over despair. An opportunity to move through the day as my best self and find solace in knowing I loved and was loved this day.

In beginning our day with an inspired act of love and compassion, we naturally generate gratitude. When we create space to connect in a way that speaks to our heart: with an animal - human or non-human, the earth, sky, water, or ourselves, we're not just changing our morning routine but setting a tone for how we interact with the world and every living being in it.

When we choose to find our way in the morning, we carry less burden through the day. We rest in the evening knowing that, just for today, all is well.

Be the light. Shine the love. Create ripples of compassion in your community. - The Empowered Companion

Ready to Dive In?

Start your day the way Jerry the Pumpkin Spice Kitty does—with love and gratitude! Take a moment each morning to connect, whether it's with your companion, nature, or simply yourself. Like Jerry’s morning snuggles, this small act of love can reshape your entire day, filling it with peace and possibility. Join us in one of our classes or community events and spread those ripples of compassion in your own community.

This article is brought to you by Jaime Kuhn, the founder and owner of The Empowered Companion, a platform dedicated to enriching family life through mindful and compassionate practices with our animal friends. 

©2025 The Empowered Companion

Jaime Kuhn, Founder and Owner

Jaime founded The Empowered Companion with a mission to support, celebrate, and build heart-led connections between human and non-human animals by bringing a calm, collaborative, compassionate Reiki presence to as many households and animal care businesses as possible.

I believe in combining deep affection and joy in high-quality Pet Sitting, growing long-term companion care relationships, and connecting from the heart, specializing in sensitive and senior animals.


The Empowered Companion: Engaging the Whole Family in Animal Reiki Meditation


Tom Tom’s Story, part 1