Being One Blog

Empowering all animals - two legged, four legged, clawed, finned, and furred - with collaborative resources and informed blog posts

🐾🐕💕 Preparing Your Family for Success with Your Pet Sitter! 🐾🐈

Hello, devoted pet parents! Embarking on a trip and leaving your furry family behind can stir a mix of emotions. At The Empowered Companion, we strive to ensure a seamless, comforting transition for your beloved family. From soothing music and heart-to-heart chats to consistent meal times and familiar toys, these tips help your pets enjoy their own little holiday at home. Rest easy knowing they’re in caring hands!

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🌞 Ultimate Summer Safety Guide: How to Keep Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather 🐶❄️

When temperatures exceed 89°F, dogs risk heat stroke, making it crucial to avoid outdoor walks at 90°F or higher. Each dog's breed, size, age, health, and coat type affect their heat tolerance. Signs of heat stroke include excessive panting, drooling, vomiting, and disorientation. Prevent heat stroke by ensuring proper hydration, using pet-safe sunscreen, and avoiding hot surfaces. In an emergency, cool your dog gradually and seek veterinary help immediately. Adjust routines to keep pets safe, like walking during cooler times or providing frozen treats.

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The Healthy Companion Kelsey Bailey, RVT The Healthy Companion Kelsey Bailey, RVT

An Overview of Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas, an essential organ producing digestive enzymes and insulin. This condition can affect any dog or cat, regardless of age, sex, or breed, and can be acute or chronic. Causes include enzyme activation within the pancreas due to fatty meals or corticosteroids. Symptoms range from nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain to severe cases leading to acute shock. Diagnosis involves lab tests and ultrasounds, while treatment includes fasting, supportive care, pain management, and specialized diets. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are crucial for recovery, with long-term effects potentially including diabetes or exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.

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Guardians of Wellness: A Deep Dive into Preventive Care for Our Furry Companions

In our latest article, "Guardians of Wellness," Kelsey explores how regular veterinary visits and proactive health measures can significantly extend the quality and longevity of your pet's life. Discover why these check-ups are not just appointments but essential chapters in your pet’s life story, ensuring they remain vibrant and healthy at every stage. We'll uncover the magic behind routine wellness exams and how they can prevent future health issues, saving you both heartache and healthcare costs. It's more than just care; it's a way to express our love and commitment to our beloved companions. Let's ensure our pets lead the happiest, healthiest lives possible!

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Jaime's Personal Reflections Jaime Kuhn Jaime's Personal Reflections Jaime Kuhn

Charlie’s Journey (3): An Unexpected Diagnosis

Charlie's terminal illness serves as a poignant reminder to treasure every moment. From routine vet visits to heart-wrenching diagnoses, our bond deepens. As we navigate his final chapter, gratitude fills our hearts. Each purr, each gentle nudge, a cherished memory. Through it all, we're reminded that love transcends illness, and every moment with Charlie is a gift to be savored - beauty is found in life's simplest moments.

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Charlie’s Journey (2): Lessons in Wisdom and Presence

I take a moment to explore the profound impact of Charlie, a source of wisdom amid terminal illness. Charlie helps me make room to reflect on the value of presence, love, and impermanence through heartfelt anecdotes, reminding us to cherish life's quiet moments. Charlie's legacy teaches invaluable lessons in gratitude and connection.

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Charlie’s Journey (1): Finding Balance Amongst Chaos

Balancing business aspirations with cherished moments with companion animals, particularly my terminally ill cat, Charlie. Discover the profound lessons learned through prioritizing time with a beloved companion while navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship. Experience the transformative power of harmony amidst life's complexities, guided by gratitude and vulnerability.

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Our Animal (and Business) Code of Ethics

Kathleen Prasad created the Let Animals Lead® method of Animal Reiki and co-founded the Shelter Animal Reiki Association (SARA). She created the Animal Reiki Practitioner Code of Ethics as a guidepost for all Animal Reiki practitioners., regardless of lineage. Additionally, her book, Healing Virtues, provides an in depth explanation and examination of these core principles. The Empowered Companion has adapted the Animal Reiki Practitioner Code of Ethics to all of the work we do with animals and humans, including: Reiki, Pet Sitting and Cat Training.

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Tom Tom’s Story, part 1

My journey to working full-time with animals and recognizing my desire to exist with mutual respect and compassion with all animals began in 2019 with a foster cat named Tom - TomTom for long. I can look back at my life and the animals I worked and lived with, and how they touched me, but Tom leaned into my heart and lit the fire of passion for this work.

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