Honoring connection between animals and their companions

Animal Reiki, Pet Sitting, Cat Training

The Empowered Companion provides heart-led services including: Animal Reiki Meditation, Compassionate Care Pet Sitting, Collaborative Feline Training, and Companion Animal End of Life Doula Services.

Connected, Grounded Healing for Dogs and Cats

::: Light of Compassion :::

Clients come to us to help forge an equal and sustainable connection to the animals in their lives. We open space for love, authenticity, agency, and sovereignty. 

The Empowered Companion provides calm, compassionate, collaborative care to companion animals and their humans. 

We passionately support and celebrate the human-animal bond through subtle energy healing modalities, informed care, evidence-based training and pet guardian education. 

“We believe Jaime to contribute meaningfully to our dogs' overall quality of life. Jaime is a truly rare gem - pets and humans alike are fortunate she has committed herself to this passion.”



Animal Reiki Meditation

Human & Home Energy Clearing

Compassionate Care Pet Sitting

Feline Behavior and Training


Companion Animal End of Life Doula Services


::: Heart of Belonging :::

We believe that life's path is most joyfully walked as a loving and respectful companion to the animals in our lives. We strive to provide gentle, effective care and to empower animals and their companions through education and ongoing support for all life stages.

The Empowered Companion bases its services in the presence and kinship of Animal Reiki Meditation and authentic, energetic connection.

We bring the principles and precepts of Reiki to in-home pet sitting, feline training and behavior modification, and pet guardian education. 

“Jamie is far and away the best pet sitter we’ve worked with! She does an amazing job juggling the needs of our diverse and crazy crew - a geriatric diva dog, a shy cat, and a very bouncy, clingy puppy.”

-Leland, Kiwi, Bean, and Alley

My name is Jaime Kuhn, and I lead The Empowered Companion with the following passions:

Providing calm, collaborative, compassionate care to companion animals and their humans. 

Teaching and inviting caregivers and companions to explore the essence of our innate connection.

Supporting the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health of all animals through presence, love, joy and meditation.

Read more about my vision and Our Foundations.pporting the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health of all animals through presence, love, joy and meditation

“Jaime’s love for our kitties is evident and they can definitely detect her calming and healing energy- I'm quite convinced they actually like her more than us and are upset when we return home. If Jaime isn't available to watch them, chances are we aren't leaving town!”

-Emily, Sara, Grandpa Biscuit, Diablo, & TT

Timid Cat, Independant Cat, Shy Cat Care